Singing Guide: Lynn Deshazo

Singing Guide: Lynn Deshazo

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Lynn DeShazo?

Lynn DeShazo is a renowned American Christian music songwriter, musician, and vocalist. Her music ranges from worship songs, classical pieces to contemporary and praise music. Known for her dynamic vocal range, Lynn has been touted to possess an ability to convey emotions that stir listeners' hearts.

Develop A Strong Foundation

Vocal range is essential and must be developed if one desires to sing like Lynn. Therefore, it is imperative that singers undergo vocal range tests available at Singing Carrots to ascertain their range. Afterward, they can work on exercises and training programs available online free of charge, such as pitch training and the comprehensive singing course.

Focus on Correct Breathing and Posture

A strong foundation is not complete without focus being on breathing and posture. Exercises such as Farinelli Breathing and Chest Voice Explained available on Singing Carrots can be helpful to improve one's breathing.

Good posture is critical for good singing. Singing Carrots has an article on How Posture Affects Your Singing, which gives a detailed analysis of how to achieve proper posture when singing. They also include tools like Vocal Pitch Monitor to monitor one's singing progress.

Understand Articulation

Articulation is another area of focus that singers should endeavor to understand. It helps in sounding clear and understandable to the audience while singing. Tools available on Singing Carrots such as Finger Bite articulation exercise comes in handy.

Power of Emotion

Lynn's music is known for its ability to stir emotions in its listeners; therefore, every singer desiring to sing like her must develop the ability to sing with intuition, emotion, skill, and thinking. No course or tool teaches this; it is cultivated with practice and years of experience.

Watch Lynn DeShazo

While it is essential to develop your uniqueness, aspiring singers must study the greats to draw inspiration. The Internet provides various videos where Lynn performs live; watching these videos with a keen eye can be helpful in developing a style similar to hers.


Singing like Lynn DeShazo requires dedication, consistency, and proper vocal technique. With the available tools and resources at Singing Carrots and a willingness to learn and put in the time, aspiring singers can develop their vocals and become like Lynn


Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.